Club Schedule

The club meets on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the West Central Abbey’s fellowship hall, 1832 West Dean Avenue, Spokane.  There is parking in a lot immediately west of the Abbey, as well as on Dean Avenue.  We anticipate having the meeting hall open by 6:30 p.m. each Thursday, with any scheduled event beginning by 7 p.m.

All USCF-rated Thursday night events require club membership.  You do not need to be a member to engage in casual play (“free play”) or non-rated events.

Dues are $24 for adult membership.  Seniors $12 a year.  Juniors (under 18) are free, but a $12 membership fee will be subtracted from any prize winnings.

Rated events Thursday night events require both USCF and Spokane Chess Club Membership. There is always free play every week. 

Upcoming Open Weekend Events  (see Area Events page for flyers)

Club Events

February 22-23Inland ClassicRathdrum, ID
February 27Class Championships
g/30; Rounds 4-5-6
West Central Abbey
1832 West Dean
March 6TBDWest Central Abbey
1832 West Dean
March 13TBDWest Central Abbey
1832 West Dean
March 20TBDWest Central Abbey
1832 West Dean
March 27TBDWest Central Abbey
1832 West Dean
April 3TBDWest Central Abbey
1832 West Dean
April 10TBDWest Central Abbey
1832 West Dean
April 17TBDWest Central Abbey
1832 West Dean